I am an Enthusiastic, Brisbane (Australia) based Amateur Photographer (although some of my friends may unkindly suggest that I am “over enthusiastic”).
I have a long time interest in photography (and video for that matter), and spent most of the 90’s lugging a Canon film SLR around Europe (I can’t believe how heavy it was)… When digital cameras started to become popular, they were cute, sexy (and very small and light), so I did the switch. However, although they were convenient, the image quality never really came up to scratch… and I sort of lost the passion.
Recently, my teenage son (Rory) got his own DSLR, and once I managed to “have a play” I was hooked again… and promptly went out and got one of my own… Just an entry level Canon DSLR (the 550D) to start, but it was enough to get me excited about photography again.
I’ve subsequently become addicted, and have extensively increased my camera gear and gadgets (why is it that the new camera bag that you just bought never seems to be quite big enough !!!) .
This website provides an opportunity for me to catalogue (and share) my photographic journey, and some of the “snaps” I am most proud of. It is mostly just for me, but I’m very happy to share the experience – I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂